Cloth Fair


Cloth Fair, Bell Tower

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Temporary light installation onto the 15th century bell tower of St Bartholomew the Less, and the gatehouse to Bart’s hospital
19th March 2007

From the 12th century Cloth Fair in Smithfield (also known as Bartholomew Fair) was an important market place for merchants selling fabrics, Cloth Fair is still the name of the road adjacent to St. Bartholomew’s hospital. St. Bartholomew the Less is the only hospital parish church in the country; situated just beyond the Henry VIII Gateway. The tower and west wall date from the 15th century. This was the site for Rideal’s photographic projection from the Great Hall. Both Inigo Jones (1573-1652) and William Hogarth (1697-1764) are connected with this site. Jones, the son of a cloth worker, was baptised in the church and Hogarth, who was born in Bartholomew Close, was responsible for the mural paintings on the staircase leading up to the Great Hall.

Managed by Modus Operandi in collaboration with Vital Arts, Bart’s and the London NHS Trust. With thanks to The Vicar and Church Wardens of St.Bartholomew the Less, The Haberdashers’ Company, The City of London, Sugarfree Design and Adi Audiovisual.

Vital Arts